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Words related to Food and Cooking

We have grouped a small set of 27 JLPT N5 Japanese kotoba that are related to food and cooking

Note: You must know Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji to learn them.

This is an easy milestone to cross. Let us get started.

List of JLPT N5 words that are related to food and cooking

Kanji Kana Romaji Meaning
しお Shio Salt
果物 くだもの Kudamono Fruit
牛肉 ぎゅうにく Gyuuniku Beef
牛乳 ぎゅうにゅう Gyuunyuu Milk
さかな Sakana Fish
鶏肉 とりにく Toriniku Chicken Meat
御飯 ごはん Gohan Meal, Cooked Rice
砂糖 さとう Satou Sugar
醤油 しょうゆ Shouyu Soy Sauce
食べる たべる Taberu To Eat
食べ物 たべもの Tabemono Food
食堂 しょくどう Shokudou Dining Room, Canteen
切る きる Kiru To Cut
洗う あらう Arau To Wash
台所 だいどころ Daidokoro Kitchen
茶碗 ちゃわん Chawan Rice Bowl
昼ご飯 ひるごはん Hirugohan Lunch
朝ご飯 あさごはん Asagohan Breakfast
豚肉 ぶたにく Butaniku Pork
はし Hashi Chopsticks
晩ご飯 ばんごはん Bangohan Dinner
野菜 やさい Yasai Vegetable
くすり Kusuri Medicine
たまご Tamago Egg
料理 りょうり Ryouri Cooking
冷蔵庫 れいぞうこ Reizouko Refrigerator
飲物 のみもの Nomimono Drinks

Now you have completed learning them. Congrats. This is a "small success" and a step ahead to completing all JLPT Level N5 Vocabulary.

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