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Kanji related to Numbers

We have grouped a small set of 14 JLPT N5 Japanese Kanji that are related to Numbers

The table contains Kanji and its OnYomi, KunYomi and Meaning. OnYomi and KunYomi represents reading of a Kanji. In most of the cases, if a Kanji is used alone, then the KunYomi reading is used and if that Kanji is combined with another Kanji then OnYomi reading is used.

This is an easy milestone to cross. Let us get started.

List of JLPT N5 Kanji that are related to Numbers

Kanji OnYomi KunYomi Meaning
ICHI, ITSU hito(tsu), hito- One
NI futa(tsu), futa- Two
SAN mit(tsu), mi- Three
SHI yo(ttsu), yu(tsu), yo-, yon- Four
GO itsu(tsu), itsu- Five
ROKU mutt(su), mu(tsu), mu, mui Six
SHICHI nana(tsu), nana-, nano- Seven
HACHI yat(tsu), ya(tsu), ya-, you- Eight
KYUU, KU kokono(tsu), kokono- Nine
JUU, JI too, to- Ten, Cross
HYAKU Hundred
SEN chi Thousand
MAN, BAN Ten Thousand, All, Many
HAN naka(ba) Half, Middle, Semi-

Now you have completed learning them. Congrats. This is a "small success" and a step ahead to completing all JLPT Level N5 Kanji.

Check out other Kanji groups here.

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