Home | Japanese words | JLPT Level N4 Vocabulary
We have grouped a small set of 27 JLPT N4 Japanese Kotoba that are related to Family-People
All these words have some similarity or related to other words. We remember by seeing the similarity or relation. Some words may get repeated in other groups for the same reason.
This is an easy milestone to cross. Let us get started.
List of JLPT N4 words that are related to Family-People
Kanji | Hiragana | Meaning |
あかちゃん | あかちゃん | Infant |
あなた | あなた | You |
お嬢さん | おじょうさん | Young Lady |
お宅 | おたく | (Polite) Your House |
かわいい | かわいい | Cute |
育てる | そだてる | To Rear,To Bring Up |
家庭 | かてい | Household |
家内 | かない | Housewife |
皆 | みな | Everybody |
関係 | かんけい | Relationship |
近所 | きんじょ | Neighbourhood |
君 | きみ | (Informal) You (Used By Men Towards Women) |
御主人 | ごしゅじん | (Honorable) Your Husband |
妻 | つま | (Humble) Wife |
子 | こ | Child |
親 | おや | Parents |
赤ん坊 | あかんぼう | Baby |
祖父 | そふ | Grandfather |
祖母 | そぼ | Grandmother |
贈り物 | おくりもの | Gift |
息子 | むすこ | (Humble) Son |
伯父/叔父 | おじいさん | Grandfather,Male Senior Citizen |
伯父/叔父 | おじさん | Uncle,Middle Aged Gentleman |
伯母さん/叔母さん | おばさん | Aunt |
夫 | おっと | Husband |
僕 | ぼく | I (Used By Males) |
娘 | むすめ | (Humble) Daughter |
Now you have completed learning them. Congrats. This is a "small success" and a step ahead to completing all JLPT Level N4 Vocabs.